July 26, 2024

NO MEAT MONDAY: Moroccan Spiced Carrot and Lentil Soup
Posted By: Málaga Food Guide Team – Málaga Province
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The carrot is a root vegetable, typically orange in colour, though purple, black, red, white, and yellow cultivars exist, it is native to Europe and Southwestern Asia.
The carrot, with its distinctive bright orange colour, is one of the most versatile root vegetables around, a result of its sweet flavour, which means it can be used raw or cooked, in sweet or savoury dishes.
Grate raw and use to make carrot cake or coleslaw. Peel into ribbons with a peeler for a salad. Slice into chunks and roast (30-35 mins). Cut into batons and steam (5-6 mins) or boil (5-7 mins).

This Moorish recipe using carrots is simple and healthy, and it’s warm, hearty and great for a #NoMeatMonday

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The Málaga Food Guide
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