July 26, 2024
MÁLAGA FOOD NEWS: REVIEW – El Muelle de Arriate 4.0/5.0
Posted By: Málaga Food Guide Team – Málaga Province

The fabulous El Muelle de Arriate still ranks as one of our favourite restaurants in Málaga Province

The entire menu is novel and exciting although I am a stickler for two old favourites which I highly recommend to all and usually foist upon any guests that are lucky enough to be invited, Queso de cabra con mermelada de mango as a starter and the amazing Solomillo de cerdo con manzana foie y salsa de tinto as a main course, however my last visit saw a dramatic detour sampling
one of the latest additions to the menu, Grilled Scallop and Prawn salad with a Mustard Vinaigrette, just heavenly – while my table neighbours indulged in the Sucking Pig  – while I really cant repeat their comments except to say that is was amazing! Exciting, Vibrant Menu & Superb Value for Money. 


At a Glance

Price Range: From €20 per head
Dress Code: Smart/Casual
Ambiance: Chic

El Muelle de Arriate
Estación de Arriate, Málaga
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 1300 hrs
Tel: 952 166 370 Find Them: Google Maps More at: www.elmuelle-arriate.com 

MÁLAGA FOOD NEWS: REVIEW - El Muelle de Arriate 4.0/5.0

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The Málaga Food Guide
The Málaga Food Guide
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