September 8, 2024
SEASONAL INGREDIENTS: SPRING/PRIMAVERA – Spring time vegetables in Spain
Posted By: Málaga Food Guide – Gibraltar & Málaga
1st March 2023

Vegetables are a rich source of folate, a B vitamin that helps your body make new red blood cells. Folate is especially important for children’s health and may also reduce the risk of cancer and depression

Vegetables are also great sources of essential minerals such as:
  • Copper.
  • Magnesium.
  • Zinc.
  • Phosphorous.
  • Selenium.

Vegetables that are dark green or orange in colour are usually the best source of vitamins and minerals, but all vegetables are good for a healthy diet. By eating less meat and more plant-based foods, such as vegetables, beans, and nuts, it can have an impact on our diets and improve heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease. Skipping even a half serving of meat every day and replacing it with a plant protein like beans or tofu can decrease your risk of getting type 2 diabetes. A good ideology is to try to have at least one meat free day a week.


Enjoying seasonal vegetables in Spain really is an easy option, because all the market stall holders, greengrocers, chefs and cooks only buy vegetables that are in season because they are not only tastier and better quality, but also cheaper.


Listed are the vegetables that are in season during the Spring months in Spain.


  • Artichokes / alcachofa – In season: December – May
  • Green/White Asparagus / espárrago – Green: March – April. White: April – June
  • Aubergine/Eggplant / berenjena – In season: May – November
  • Beetroot / betarraga – In season: All year round
  • Broad beans / habichuelas – In season: February – May
  • Button mushrooms  / champiñon – In season: September – June
  • Cabbage  / repollo – In season: September – June
  • Carrots /  zanahoria – In season: All year round
  • Chard/Swiss Chard / acelga – In season: All year round
  • Courgette/Zucchini / calabacín – In season: May – October
  • Garlic /  ajo – In season: All year round
  • Green beans / ejotes – In season: February – October 
  • Green peppers / pimiento verde – In season: March – November
  • Leeks / puerro – In season: All year round
  • Lettuce / lechuga – In season: All year round
  • Onion / cebolla – In season: All year round
  • Peas / chícharo – In season: February – May
  • Potatoes / patata – In season: Picked from March – June and then harvested again in Autumn
  • Radish / rábano – In season: All year round
  • Spinach / espinaca – In season: October – May
  • Tomatoes / tomatillo – In season: March but is also available all year round
  • Turnip / nabo – In season: November – May


SEASONAL INGREDIENTS: SPRING/PRIMAVERA - Spring time vegetables in Spain

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The Málaga Food Guide
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